Jl. Eka Surya Gg. sidodadi No.37 Kel. Seli Tua - 20114 Tlp : 061-7031111/0323 CP : Fendi (085261173777
JL. Lintas Sumatra Arah Jambi (Pattimura) No.08 RT.03/02 Kel. Manggis-Kec Bathin III Telp : (0747) - 22012, 21522 Fax : (0747) - 22198 CP1 : Andi (085214841983) CP2 : Dian (085266009677) CP3 : Eka (089686012511)
Jl. By Pass Km.9 Kelurahan Pampangan CP: Stevanus Kwan Telp.0751-61253, 62483
Jl. Pangeran ayin no. 147 Rt. 13 Kelurahan SakoPalembang, 35361No. Tlp : ( 0711) 811554/257/936Fax : (0711) 813309
Jln. raya kayumalue No 131 A Kel. kayumalue ngapa, SUL-TENG Tlp : 0451-492710 / 492711(Marketing) CP : 082291635005 (Marketing)
Jl. Pasir Kepatang no. 02 Pangkal Pinang kep. Bangka - Belitung Tlp : 0717 - 435396 / Fax : 0717 - 435396 CP wilayah Bangka : Ida (085267731129 , 081995353579) CP wilayah Belitung : Sania (081949528825 , 082373505125)
Jl. Soekarno Hatta no. 08 Rt.02/03 Kel. Labuh baru Kec. payung sekaki Pekanbaru 28291 - Riau Tlp : 0761-61823/61824 CP 1 : Andy (0811765966) CP 2 : Kelvin (08127600582) CP 3 : Dewi (08126859788)
Jln. Hok salamuddin No. 88 Siantar state Kab. Simalungur Tlp / Fax : (0622) 7551412 CP : Imei (083196426888)
Jl. Raya Wajok Hilir, KM 12,6 RT02/03 Desa Wajok HilirKec. Siantan Kab. Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78351 Telp : (0561)-882526/882528 Fax : (0561)-882527 email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. CP1 : Juniaty (089693212656) CP2 : Herman Gunawan (08125703389)
Jl. Veteran No.234 Pasir Muncang Tlp : 0281-623885, 641521 Fax : 0281-636557 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. CP1 : Diah Tiur (085726734600) CP2 : M. Riza Harriwijaya (081327666212)
JL. SULTAN SULAIMAN NO.09 RT.19 KEL.SAMBUTAN KEC.SAMBUTAN TELP. 081253094288, 085234963888 FAX. (0541) 220528 EMAIL. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. CP1. MARDIANI (081253768708) CP2. LEO PALEMBANGAN (081346338260)
Kawasan Industri Terboyo Blok I No. 2Jl. Raya Kaligawe KM.5-6 Semarang 50118Telp : (024) 6584390, Fax : (024) 6582636 CP1 : Ridwan Puspito (0816655462) email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kp. Rancasawah komplek BSD RT 01/RW 12 Kel. Drangong, Kec. Taktakan. 0254 - 229422 / 229447 0254 - 229410 CP : Saliman (0878 8186 3968)
Lama : Jl. Sidoluhur No.98 Waringinrejo, Cemani, Sukoharjo Baru : Beluk Kidul Sroyo Karanganyar Telp : (0271)-643220/9127026, 0271-9127026 (Baru) Fax : (0271)-0271-643220 CP1 : Indri Hapsari (085728997738) CP2 : Amin Nurdin (085647866999)
Jl. Pelabuhan 2. Km 5 RT 01 / RW 08 Kel. Cipanengah Kec. Lembursitu Tlp : 0266 210391 / 0266 210392 CP : Yenni (081314477499)
JL. Margomulyo Sentong Asri 3 D Buntaran CP : Khotimah, Nur Latifah (Ifah), Theresia Monica (Teta) TELP : (031) 7494202, 7491447, 7491800 FAX : (031) 7494202, (031) 7484754
Jl. Warung Gantung Kompleks Bengseng No. 10 Kalideres – Jakarta Barat TLP : 021-5458174, 5458175, 5446764 FAX : 021-6198109
Jl. Ir. Sutami ( Toll ) No. 8, Makassar 90244 CP : Benny Lay (0411-512273)
Jl. Banyumas KM.5 Kalierang-Selomerto Tlp & Fax : 0286-3320117 email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. CP1 : Yuni (085726282188) CP2 : Agus Kurnawan (085842544339) CP3 : Arif Maulana (081312121091)
Jl.Cangkringan Km.4 Dsn Babadan Rt/Rw 006/002 Purwomartani Kalasan Sleman Tlp. : 0274 - 4469282, 0274 - 4469283 Fax. : 0274 - 4469285 CP1 : Priyanti (Sales Counter) 0877.3937.0444 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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